
Lesson 6: New Family, New Routines and Traditions

New Family, New Routines and Traditions           Welcome back to our final lesson. Last week we discussed creating family goals and values. The transition into parenthood also means that you are creating a new family. Creating a new family comes with the opportunity to create new routines and traditions. That’s what we will be discussing this week. Routines Sylvia Rodger, an associate professor, and Jade Evans, an honors student did a study on family routines and rituals. In their study they stated that, “family rituals are a symbolic form of communication, expressing family identity and defining the boundaries of the family unit. Family routines and rituals have been reported as having protective properties promoting family resilience (Evans & Rodger, 2008).” Personal account from Shayla Williams: When my husband and I first got married it was a very new experience to figure out how to blend all of our favorite family traditions. It was easy to talk about the futu

Lesson 5: Family Goals and Values

Family Goals and Values Welcome back to lesson five!  Before we start in on our new lesson, take a minute and reflect about the past four lessons you have read through, taken notes on, and hopefully put some things into practice.  This is a lot of information to take in, and we are really excited that you are here.   If you have any questions about the content or concepts taught in these lessons, please leave a comment so we can answer them for you.   Let’s begin this week with a little self-reflective exercise. Think of your family growing up.  Keeping that in mind, while we introduce this week's topic- family goals and values with a little clip from the Addams family.              What is great about this clip is that the Addams family, while completely disturbing, still showed what the ultimate goal of a family is: shared family values, meaning, and purpose.   Similarities between parents and children have often been assumed to be a sign of successful transmission

Lesson 4: Taking on New Roles

Welcome to lesson 4 of our online program Strengthening Your Marriage During the Transition to Parenthood. Last week we discussed the importance of self-care and stress relief. Rachael took you through a breathing exercise/ meditation. We hope that you and your partner have been able to use these exercises to help you relieve some stress and prepare you for when your baby comes. In the transition to parenthood also comes the stress of taking on new roles. You will no longer be a family consisting of a husband and wife; you are becoming a mother and a father. This week we are going to discuss the experiences, challenges, and importance of taking on these new roles as a mother and father and how to take on these roles with confidence.   Motherhood             We’ll begin with the new role of becoming a mother. As women we expect the transition to motherhood to be this glorious new change in our lives. We picture decorating the nursery, singing nursery rhymes to our new little